Proper maintenance of your engine provides a safe, smooth ride. Engines have a tendency to heat up and thus, proper cooling systems need to be in place. Depending on your use of the car and the types of roads you drive on a regular basis, you can select the intercooler for your vehicle.

There are 2 types of intercoolers you can choose from. If you drive on well-maintained roads, and only occasionally go on roads that are more rugged, a front mount cooler is the perfect fit. Such intercoolers ensure that there is excellent airflow in and around the engine. Off roading often with such intercoolers results in disruptions due to debris, sticks as well as mud accumulation. If you do enjoy offroading, then don’t worry. Top mount intercoolers are made for people with a flare for adventure. As these coolers are mounted on top of the engine, they cool your vehicle’s engine and are less susceptible to damage on rough roads.

Each intercooler is made from high quality materials that can withstand great pressure to ensure proper airflow to the engine. We are passionate about all things automotive. At Haltune Performance, we ensure that good communication and transparency is maintained in all our dealings. Unsure of which intercooler upgrade best suits your needs? No worries. Call our expert mechanics on 0482 648 600 today.

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